Cina GS-ZW244, GS-ZW245, GS-ZW246 Besar Paparan Produsén na Supplier | Xinhai

GS-ZW244, GS-ZW245, GS-ZW246 Besar Paparan

Pondok Description:

Gaya Industrial: pipe rustic jeung rak kai kalayan bubuk palapis finish. Beusi pipa jeung kai sisikian PVC komposisi dina gaya vintage. Nyampurnakeun pikeun nyimpen hiasan atawa barang goah pikeun ngatur spasi kamar dina kaayaan beberes jeung rak 6-nagara golongan.
6 nagara golongan Ukuran lomari buku: 23,6 "x9.84" x79.5 "H. Diwangun ku MDF awét (Teu Real Kai) jeung sturdy logam pipe pigura nu ngasuh kapasitas beurat tinggi. Unggal rak bisa Tahan 70 lbs.
Multi fungsi: The kai modern induestrial tangga rak nambihan karakter tur banding estetika kana spasi hirup anjeun jeung tampilan rak buku gaya industri vintage, kayaning asesoris mandi, wadah anduk, lomari buku, kabaya bungbu.
Gampang Pasang: gampang, basajan jeung desain unik, tambahkeun spasi shelving tambahan sarta effortlessly. Kabéh hardware ningkatna jeung instruksi diperlukeun téh kaasup, cocog install di pangkeng, rohangan hirup, warnet bar, kamar laundry, kantor, dapur goah, garasi. Sampurna ngaheéat Anjeun spasi.
Leuwih gaya lomari buku (5 nagara golongan rak jeung 4 golongan rak) sadia tur warna béda sakumaha pamundut

Product Detail

Product Tags

Industrial Style: Rustic pipe and wood shelves with powder coating finish. Iron pipes and wood grain PVC composition in vintage style. Perfect for Storing decorations or pantry items to organize room space in tidy condition with 6-tier shelves.
6 tier Bookcase Size: 23.6”x9.84”x79.5”H. Constructed with durable MDF(Not Real Wood) and sturdy metal pipe frame that bears high weight capacity. Each shelf could Hold 70 lbs.
Multi-functional: The wooden modern ladder shelf induestrial adds character and aesthetic appeal to your living space with the vintage industrial style display bookshelf, such as bathroom accessories, towel holder, bookcase, spice racks.
Easy to Install: Easy, simple and unique design, add additional shelving space and effortlessly. All mounting hardware and necessary instruction are included, suitable install at bedroom, living room, cafe bar, laundry room, office, kitchen pantry, garage. Perfectly saves you space.
More style bookcase(5 tier shelf and 4 tier shelf) available and different color as request

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