Cina GS-ZW213, 214 5 nagara golongan lomari buku Produsén na Supplier | Xinhai

GS-ZW213, 214 5 nagara golongan lomari buku

Pondok Description:

Serbaguna: Ieu 5 rak lomari buku nyadiakeun tampilan jeung neundeun nangtung solusi pikeun buku, majalah, poto, memorabilia na collectibles, functionally nambahkeun touch tina kapribadian ka imah atawa kantor Anjeun
sturdy: rak buku industri rustic ieu bisa ngarojong 40 pon per rak jeung beurat merata disebarkeun; 4 suku adjustable nambahkeun kuatna tambahan sarta ngajaga lanté anjeun ti goresan
Bahan: pigura logam anu ganda tabung baja kuadrat nu mibanda palapis bubuk, sarta rak nu luhur-grade MDF (Medium Density Serat, moal kai solid) papan kalayan PVC veneering, ieu kai sarta bookcases logam jeung bookshelves nambihan pesona industri rustic na fits ogé mibanda paling decor
gampang Majelis: lomari buku kabuka ieu boga rarancang minimalis sarta merlukeun gawé assembling lampu
Dimension: 36 "x15.75" x61 "H
warna Béda jeung ukuranana aya.

Product Detail

Product Tags

VERSATILE: This 5 shelf bookcase provides a vertical display and storage solution for books, magazines, photos, memorabilia and collectibles, functionally adding a touch of personality to your home or office
STURDY: this rustic industrial bookshelf could support 40 pounds per shelf with the weight evenly distributed; 4 adjustable feet add the extra stability and protect your floor from scratches
MATERIALS: the metal frames are double square steel tubes with powder coating, and the shelves are high-grade MDF (Medium Density Fiber, not solid wood) boards with PVC veneering, this wood and metal bookcases and bookshelves adds rustic industrial charm and fits well with most decor
EASY ASSEMBLY: this open bookcase has minimalist design and requires light assembling work
DIMENSION: 36”x15.75”x61”H
Different color and size available.

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