Cina GS-CR169 rak jaket Produsén na Supplier | Xinhai

rak jaket GS-CR169

Pondok Description:

Rak jaket basajan kalawan uli 3-nagara golongan: 11 uli dibagi kana 3 tiers masihan Jumlah ample tina pilihan pikeun baju anjeun nongkrong
tungtung CAP desain: tiap hook ngabogaan pelindung tungtung cap
TOP nagara golongan: ujung ti kait luhur nyadiakeun nagara golongan katilu, sampurna for jeung nongkrong caps, topi atawa scarves
gampang Majelis: assembly diperlukeun
Ukuran: 19,75 "x 19,75" x 68 "H
Warna: warna Béda sadia

Product Detail

Product Tags

Simple coat rack with 3-TIER HOOKS: 11 hooks divided into 3 tiers give ample amount of hanging options for your clothes
END CAP DESIGN: each hook has a protective end cap
TOP TIER: the tip of the top hooks provides a third tier, perfect for hanging caps, hats or scarves
EASY ASSEMBLY: assembly required
Size:19.75” x 19.75” x 68”H
Color: Different color available

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