Cina GS-ZW174 3 golongan lomari buku Produsén na Supplier | Xinhai

GS-ZW174 3 golongan lomari buku

Pondok Description:

Dua rak lega: rustic, industri-gaya 3-tingkat bookshelves
Industrial bookcases pangukuran: 35,4 "W x 12,6" Dx39.9 "H
Jieun groupings buku, majalah, pigura gambar jeung asesoris keur nyieun suku visual dina rak 
Dijieun tina kai PVC dewan kalawan logam hideung. ngagabungkeun durability kalawan fungsionalitas 
3-Level bookcases rustic jeung industri-gaya. Gampang masang
Warna: pamundut Warna Salaku Béda

Product Detail

Product Tags

Two spacious shelves: Rustic, industrial-style 3-level bookshelves
Industrial bookcases Measurement: 35.4"W x 12.6"Dx39.9"H
Create groupings of books,magazines,picture frames and accessories to create visual interest on the shelves
Made of wood PVC board  with black metal. combines durability with functionality
3-Level rustic and industrial-style bookcases. Easy to install
Color: Different Color As request

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