Cina GS-ZW137 3 golongan lomari buku Produsén na Supplier | Xinhai

GS-ZW137 3 golongan lomari buku

Pondok Description:

Tilu rak lega: rustic, industri-gaya 3-tingkat bookshelves
Industrial bookcases pangukuran: 41,3 "W x 15,5" DX 41,3 "H
Jieun groupings buku, majalah, pigura gambar jeung asesoris keur nyieun suku visual dina rak
Dijieun tina kai PVC dewan atawa kai solid jeung logam kalawan hiasan pipe cai. ngagabungkeun durability kalayan pungsi
2-Level bookcases rustic jeung industri-gaya. Gampang masang
Warna: pamundut Warna Salaku Béda

Product Detail

Product Tags

Three spacious shelves: Rustic,industrial-style 3-level bookshelves
Industrial bookcases Measurement: 41.3"W x 15.5"Dx 41.3"H
Create groupings of books,magazines,picture frames and accessories to create visual interest on the shelves
Made of wood PVC board or solid wood with metal with water pipe decoration. combines durability with functionality
2-Level rustic and industrial-style bookcases. Easy to install
Color: Different Color As request

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