Cina GS-BR1160 5pc counter set Produsén na Supplier | Xinhai

GS-BR1160 5pc counter set

Pondok Description:

Fashionable rarancang-Boh tabel sarta barstools dijieun tina dewan MDF kualitas, pigura Metal
Muhun-diwangun sarta sturdy-Crafted ti kai dijieun, set ieu idéal pikeun pangaturan industri jeung kontemporer sareng garis bersih sarta rengse solid nétral. Unggal stool backless ieu diadegkeun atop opat suku disambung ku ngarojong.
Simpen space- Ieu kualitas luhur set makan téh idéal pikeun spasi leutik, Stools cocog dina tabel pikeun neundeun. Nyaluyukeun jeung dapur imah anjeun, dining kamar, studio, patio, den na bistro kasempetan nanaon.
Gampang keur ngumpul-Ieu gampang pikeun nyimpen babarengan jeung nyandak handap tur sarta kami nyadiakeun parentah jelas tina méja kami set makan keur rujukan anjeun.
Size- Table ukuran-Dia26 "x36" H, Stools - 16,25 "x16.25" x23.5 "H.
Kamampuh beurat: 250 lb.

Product Detail

Product Tags

Fashionable design-Both the table and barstools are made of quality MDF board , Metal frame
Well-built and sturdy-Crafted from manufactured wood, this set is ideal for industrial and contemporary settings with its clean lines and neutral solid finishes. Each backless stool is founded atop four legs connected by supports.
Save space- This high-quality dining set is ideal for small spaces, Stools fit under table for storage . Suit your home kitchen, dining room, studio, patio, den and bistro any occasion.
Easy to assemble-It is easy to put together and take down and and we provide clear instructions of our dining table set for your reference.
Size- Table size-Dia26”x36"H, Stools - 16.25”x16.25”x23.5"H.  
Weight Capacity: 250 lb.

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