Cina GS-BR1161 5-sapotong counter Jangkungna BAR Romadhon Produsén na Supplier | Xinhai

GS-BR1161 5-sapotong counter Jangkungna BAR Romadhon

Pondok Description:

  • Fashionable rarancang-Boh tabel sarta barstools dijieun tina dewan MDF kualitas, pigura Metal
  • Muhun-diwangun sarta sturdy-Crafted ti kai dijieun, set ieu idéal pikeun pangaturan industri jeung kontemporer sareng garis bersih sarta rengse solid nétral. Unggal counter stool boga kayu warna deui béda.
  • Simpen space- Ieu kualitas luhur set makan téh idéal pikeun spasi leutik, Stools cocog dina tabel pikeun neundeun. Nyaluyukeun jeung dapur imah anjeun, dining kamar, studio, patio, den na bistro kasempetan nanaon.
  • Gampang keur ngumpul-Ieu gampang pikeun nyimpen babarengan jeung nyandak handap tur sarta kami nyadiakeun parentah jelas tina méja kami set makan keur rujukan anjeun.
  • Size- Table ukuran-36 "x36" x36 "H, counter Stools - 18" x18.75 "x40.5" H.
  • Kamampuh beurat: 250 lb.

Product Detail

Product Tags

Fashionable design-Both the table and barstools are made of quality MDF board , Metal frame
Well-built and sturdy-Crafted from manufactured wood, this set is ideal for industrial and contemporary settings with its clean lines and neutral solid finishes. Each counter stool have a different color back wood.
Save space- This high-quality dining set is ideal for small spaces, Stools fit under table for storage . Suit your home kitchen, dining room, studio, patio, den and bistro any occasion.
Easy to assemble-It is easy to put together and take down and and we provide clear instructions of our dining table set for your reference.
Size- Table size-36”x36”x36"H, Counter Stools - 18”x18.75”x40.5"H.  
Weight Capacity: 250 lb.

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  • Nulis pesen anjeun didieu na kirimkeun ka kami