Cina Table diatur Produsén na Supplier | Xinhai

méja set

Pondok Description:

3-sapotong tabel Romadhon: Bistro set ngawengku 2 samet na 1 tabel, sampurna keur backyard, patio, dek, atawa kebon
gampang neundeun: Unggal sapotong set teh nyaeta foldable, sahingga pikeun neundeun gampang salila kira-musim
desain geulis: Blue bistro set jeung stenciled design floral sampurna pikeun hiji setting outdoor
awét: Dijieunna tina baja awét, cuaca-tahan pikeun taun pamakéan kualitas

Product Detail

Product Tags

3-PIECE TABLE SET: Bistro set includes 2 chairs and 1 table, perfect for the backyard, patio, deck, or garden
EASY STORAGE: Each piece of the set is foldable, allowing for easy storage during off-season
BEAUTIFUL DESIGN: Blue bistro set with stenciled floral design perfect for an outdoor setting
DURABLE: Made of durable, weather-resistant steel for years of quality use

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