Cina GS-ZW217 3 golongan témbok rak Produsén na Supplier | Xinhai

GS-ZW217 3 golongan témbok rak

Pondok Description:

Bahan: Stand nyaéta beusi, panel nyaeta kai, tékstur seragam, stabilitas alus, teu gampang pikeun deformasi, seungit teu bau, panyalindungan lingkungan héjo
dimensi (Panjang x Width x Jangkungna): W80xD30.5xH84.8cm
elegan jeung modern desain: Unggal golongan bearing ngadeukeutan 5kg, Unik rak tampilan rarancang muka pikeun gampang-jangkauan gudang atawa tampilan hal saperti CD, DVD, buku jeung poto ka diurutkeun hal kaluar
Nyusun: gampang Nyusun, disadiakeun kalawan rinci instruksi, pohara gampang install jeung screws
Urang nyadiakeun bahan béda tina rak nu (30mm kerung dewan atawa 18mm kai solid)

Product Detail

Product Tags

MATERIAL:Stand is iron, the panel is wood,uniform texture, good stability, not easy to deformation, fragrance no smell, green environmental protection
DIMENSIONS(Length x Width x Height):W80xD30.5xH84.8cm
ELEGANT AND MODERN DESIGN: Each tier bearing approximately 5kg ,Unique open design display shelves for a easy-reach storage or display things such as CD, DVD, book and photo to sort things out
ASSEMBLE: Easy to Assemble,Provided with instruction details, very easy to install with the screws
We provide different material of the shelf (30mm hollow board or 18mm solid wood)

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