Cina GS-ZW205 microwave oven rak Produsén na Supplier | Xinhai

GS-ZW205 microwave oven rak

Pondok Description:

Casters steering Lockable】 Featuring opat casters steering universal (dua di antarana anu lockable), eta nyadiakeun pindah leuwih fleksibel jeung parkir aman.
Spasi Musim Panas Dapur gelombang mikro Nangtung】 ukuranana Sampurna pikeun pamakéan imah ukur nyokot spasi saeutik di dapur anjeun, idéal pikeun susun atanapi spasi dapur kawates. Stand gelombang mikro Hal ieu ngajadikeun hirup anjeun merenah tur efisien.
Spasi Panyimpenan ageung】 The 2-lapisan rak design nawaran gudang badag sarta ngaronjatkeun utilization ruang dapur. Kalawan tambahan luhureun rak sarta gudang tabletop, cukup keur stuffs tampilan misc, super hanca.
Sturdy bertulang Beusi kotakna】 Dijieunna tina MDF premium sarta beusi ngaropéa bahan pigura utama, ngadeg ieu super sturdy jeung awét.
Fungsi Hiji laci Panyimpenan】 The microwave stand geus thoughtfully dilengkepan laci pikeun neundeun katutup sarta swasta. Pawon anjeun bakal diatur tur rapih.
 Dimensi  25,25 "WX16.75" DX60 "H
 Warna  kelir Béda bisa disadiakeun sakumaha pamundut.

Product Detail

Product Tags

【Lockable Steering Casters】Featuring four universal steering casters (two of them are lockable), it provides more flexible moving and secure parking.
【Space Saving Kitchen Microwave Stand】Perfect size for home use and only takes a little space in your kitchen, ideal for apartment or limited kitchen space. This Microwave stand makes your life convenient and efficient.
【Large Storage Space】The 2-layer shelves design offers large storage space and enhances the utilization of kitchen space. With extra top shelf and a tabletop storage space, enough to display misc stuffs, super functional.
【Sturdy Reinforced Iron Frame】Made of premium MDF and customized iron main frame material, this stand is super sturdy and durable.
【Functional One Drawer Storage】The microwave stand has thoughtfully equipped with a drawer for closed and private storage. Your kitchen will be organized and neat.
【 Dimensions】 25.25"WX16.75"DX60"H
【 Color 】 Different colors can be provided as request.

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