Cina GS-B1172 BAR STOOL Produsén na Supplier | Xinhai


Pondok Description:

SWIVEL BAR STOOL: Sareng hiji swivel 360-gelar na pigura backless. Korsi ieu dijieun tina beusi caster. Pigura logam mangrupa bubuk palapis kalayan lukisan leungeun.
Lampu Majelis diperlukeun: Mudah-to-nurutan parentah, hadwér katut parabot kaasup.
Warna: warna Béda aya.

Product Detail

Product Tags

SWIVEL BAR STOOL: With a 360-degree swivel and backless frame. Seat is made of caster iron. Metal frame is powder coating with hand painting.
LIGHT ASSEMBLY REQUIRED: Easy-to-follow instructions, hardware and tools included.
Color: Different color available.

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