Do you know how to distinguish E0 or E1?

We may notice that a lot of businesses always hit a certain plate in line with the national E0 or E1 standards. In fact, a lot of consumers do not understand what is the meaning of E0 board or E1 board, when buying dining set, coffee table set furniture that sellers say reasonable, but afraid of being fooled, so often difficult to choose.Only by understanding the appearance and essence of things, furniture consumption can  be rationalized. As the consumer, we are not familiar with industry specific material, how we can choose good commodity in so many kinds of goods in eyes, protect oneself rights and interests?Today I will take you to understand the difference between E1 and E0.

The Difference Between E0 and E1 standard

E0 or E1 standard refers to a formaldehyde emission level of environmental standards.The difference between the two is that the concentration of formaldehyde in E0 will be lower than E1, and E0 board is more environmentally friendly than E1 board. E0 is the international standard, while E1 is the domestic standard. E0 board is more expensive than E1 board. According to China's environmental protection standards, the formaldehyde limit level in the board E1≤1.5mg/L can be used directly in the room, is the national mandatory health standards. It is mandatory to implement the "safety standard line",E0≤0.5mg/L using aldehyde-free adhesive technology, can be assured to use anywhere.

How To Distinguish E0 and E1?

Desiccator method: E0 grade formaldehyde release a quantity to 0.5 mg/L, or less E1 formaldehyde release a quantity to 1.5 mg/L or less, E2 levels of formaldehyde release a quantity to 5.0 mg/L or less.

Perforation extraction: E1 formaldehyde release a quantity to 8 mg / 100 grams or less, E2 levels of formaldehyde release a quantity to 30 mg / 100 grams or less.Strictly speaking, only E1, E0 level above the plate material can be used for indoor use.



Post time: Dec-31-2019